Professional Responsibility
Contents -
The professional responsibility notes are summarized according to the March 2023 NCA syllabus and include all the case summaries, chapter summaries and article summaries listed in the syllabus. These notes are based off of the 3rd edition of the casebook. LexisNexis has released a 4th edition that we did not summarize. However, we did refer to the changes in the publishers “what’s new” information guide to update our own materials and to add several new cases that were not in the previous edition of the book.
New - There are two important charts that are included.
At the beginning of the notes there is a 15-page summary of the cases. The summary is an excellent way for you to reference your materials during the exam and to recall critical points as you’re brainstorming the structure of your exam answers.
At the end of the notes you will find a Table of Concordance that is roughly 52 pages in length. This table highlights some of the key cases and articles in the syllabus, provides a short summary and most importantly, shows you the corresponding section or commentary of the FLSC model code.
Details -
The notes are approximately 143 pages in length with two-columns per page as can be seen in the sample image. The notes includes a detailed table of contents. Notes have several security features programmed inside so as to prevent sharing and trace the materials back to the original purchaser.
Once your order is made, you will receive an email with a link to download the notes. The download will contain a PDF file. The link expires 24 hours after you first access it.
Fine Print:
The notes are sold on the condition that they are not to be shared or distributed in any form or fashion. Please refer to our Terms & Conditions page for more details. You are purchasing a license to use the notes for your own personal use only. The contents of the notes are not to be construed in any way as legal advice.
The notes are not intended to be a substitute for your own studying. They are merely summaries of the NCA syllabus and are intended to be quick reference guides for the exam. You should purchase your own copies of the required texts and use them in conjunction with the notes.
We work hard to ensure the accuracy of the notes, but in some cases, the notes may contain errors. If you do find an error, please be sure to notify us so we can update the materials accordingly.
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