
NCA Canadian Constitutional Law

It is highly recommended that students start with Constitutional Law as their first NCA challenge exam. The course provides great insight into the foundations of the Canadian legal system.

The syllabus is broken down into four main subject areas. The first is the nature and sources of the Canadian constitution. The second topic deals with constitutional judicial review of federalism problems. The third topic can be further broken down into two subtopics. The first deals with judicial review of aboriginal rights questions and the second is judicial review of a Charter of Rights and Freedoms problem.

This course is offered through private one-on-one instruction or through group intensive classes and exam workshops. Optional study notes are available for purchase.


NCA Canadian Administrative Law

Canadian Administrative law is a course that many students find most challenging out of the core NCA subjects.  There is a lot of material to absorb and the number of cases you are expected to learn can sometimes feel overwhelming.  The intricate details of each individual topic can often make you lose sight of the big picture on how to structure an answer to a problem question.

After taking our administrative law course review, students find it much more manageable to read through and digest the course material.  The purpose of the Administrative Law NCA Tutor™ course is designed to paint the large picture and help you break down the course into small pieces that are easier to digest.

This course is offered through private one-on-one instruction or through group intensive classes and exam workshops.  Optional study notes are available for purchase.

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NCA Foundations of Canadian Law

NCA Foundations of Canadian Law is by far the trickiest exam to prepare for because the exam questions tend to be unpredictable.  It is imperative that you learn each of the topics inside out, but more importantly, is to make sure that you have read all of the required articles and understand the deep and overarching theme of the topics presented in those papers.  Because of the unpredictability of the exam, it is strongly recommended that you write it either after you have written administrative law and constitutional law or at the same time as those other two courses.

This course is offered through private one-on-one instruction or through group intensive classes and exam workshops.  Optional study notes are available for purchase.


NCA Canadian Criminal Law and Procedure

NCA Criminal Law and Procedure is taught using a highly structured methodology.  It gets you comfortable with using the Canadian Criminal Code by teaching you various methods of interpreting the provisions.  Students are expected to know and understand how to apply sections of the Criminal Code that are not listed in the syllabus and therefore must have a good understanding of how to derive and interpret the Federal legislation based on the tools and cases available throughout the course.

Students should try and obtain the latest copy of the Criminal Code.  Liran recommends the pocket criminal code over the annotated code.  See our Youtube video blog where he explains the benefits of the pocket code over the annotated one.

This course is offered through private one-on-one instruction or through group intensive classes and exam workshops.  Optional study notes are available for purchase.

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NCA Professional Responsibility 

NCA Professional Responsibility is an important subject area for aspiring lawyers.  It also happens to be a subject that is tested heavily on both the Ontario Barristers and Solicitor exams.  This exam tests your knowledge of common ethical problems faced by lawyers in their day-to-day routine.  The exam questions are often problem questions asking you to apply your knowledge of the law to the fact pattern at hand.

This course is offered through private one-on-one instruction or through group intensive classes and exam workshops.  Optional study notes are available for purchase.

NCA Business Organizations

As of January 2018, Business Organizations is no longer a mandatory course requirement for National Committee on Accreditation.   Previously, all NCA candidates had to show competence in this subject to receive their Certificate of Qualification.  Nevertheless, it remains an option course and is quite popular.   The course is intended to introduce candidates to the various forms of business organizations in Canada.   Lawyers need to appreciate the various vehicles for conducting business and know their advantages and disadvantages.  A good portion of the course deals with various remedies, in particular, remedies for minority stakeholders such as shareholders, creditors, and other parties.

We provide one-on-one private instruction for this subject as well as small group classes.  We also offer optional study notes for the subject.

Property Law

This course gives an overview of the fundamental principles of the Canadian property law, as applied in Canadian common law jurisdictions with summaries of important case law. The focus is on real property and concentrates on the history of property ownership and the transition to today's current modern system of land ownership.  Concepts covered in the material include: establishing physical boundaries, types of property possession, aboriginal property ownership differences, common and equitable interests in land, how to distinguish between leases and licenses are all explained in a holistic way.  By the end of the course, you should be able to understand the theoretical principles of possession and ownership that make up the foundation of property law and how to apply the various doctrines and principles derived from case law to solve problems involving conflicting claims and evaluate current elements of the law through a critical lens.

NCA Commercial Law

Commercial Law is a course that many students find challenging, often due to their unfamiliarity with this area of law. It is also a core component of the Business Law section examined in the Ontario Solicitor Exam.

Most students struggle to navigate the intricacies of the Personal Property Security Act (P.P.S.A.) and applying the P.P.S.A. to various secured transactions in personal property.

The syllabus is broken down into three main areas. The first part consists of the different facets of the P.P.S.A., including but not limited to, the perfection of security interests in personal property and the rights and remedies available under the P.P.S.A. The second part deals with penalties and liquidated damages as they apply to the formation of contracts, and the third part deals with a basic introduction to the rules and operation of the Sales of Goods Act.

At the end of the course, you should have an understanding of how to navigate the P.P.S.A. In particular, you should be able to evaluate and determine how the various transactions rank in priority to each other and apply that knowledge to solve problem questions.

This course is only offered through private one-on-one instruction. Optional study notes are available for purchase.

NCA Ontario Family Law

The recently released May 2020 Family Law (Ontario) NCA Syllabus incorporated forthcoming changes to the Federal Divorce Act. While the legislative changes did not take effect until July 1, 2020, the FLSC has made it clear that students sitting the Family Law Exam from May onward are expected to be aware of relevant changes to the act.

By way of overview, the Divorce Act 2020 improves upon the Divorce Act 1985 in many ways. The most notable change is the legislative prioritization of the Child’s best interests. While always a key consideration of the courts under the 1985 Act, the 2020 Act puts the Best Interests of the Child (BIC) at the forefront of courts’ consideration when making Parenting Orders (e.g. custody and access orders) and Contact Orders (access for 3rd parties, etc). Accordingly, the court has broad discretion under the 2020 Act to make Parenting and 3rd Party Contact Orders—and impose conditions and special requirements on parents and 3rd parties—as they find most benefits the child(ren) in question.

This course is only offered through private one-on-one instruction. Optional study notes are available for purchase.

NCA Civil Procedure

An understanding of Civil Procedure from the outset can serve as an asset to those aspiring to litigate in Canadian civil courts. It is also one of the main subject areas examined in the Ontario Barrister Exam. The purpose of the NCA exam is to test your knowledge of the Rules of Civil Procedure (the Rules) and your ability to apply the Rules to various problem questions and fact patterns.

The syllabus covers core concepts in Civil Procedure and the different stages in civil proceedings, including but not limited to, commencing legal proceedings, trials, juries, appeals, and class action proceedings. At the end of the course, you should have an understanding of the civil legal system, the various purposes that the Rules serve, and how to apply the Rules to solve problem questions.

This course is only offered through private one-on-one instruction.

Ontario Barrister & Solicitor Exams

The Ontario Barrister & Solicitor exams test your knowledge in several subject areas including professional responsibility, civil litigation, criminal law, family law, public law, business law, estate planning and real estate.  

We offer a bar essentials course on how to properly prepare for the exam.   You will learn what you are to expect when you're in the exam room and how to use your time effectively to complete the exam and the instructor will walk you through practice questions.  

We also offer private instruction in individual practice areas taught by qualified Ontario Barrister & Solicitors who are also experienced instructors.