
Ryan Dzingala

NCA Tutor Campus Ambassador | University of Birmingham Spring 2021

Ryan is a UK trained lawyer-to-be, who is in his final year of the LLB program at the University of Birmingham. He also holds a Bachelors of Arts in Psychology with a Research Specialist Designation from Wilfrid Laurier University. Upon graduation, Ryan plans to return to Canada and begin the NCA process as soon as possible, with an anticipated completion of December 2021. Once admitted to the Ontario Bar, Ryan plans to pursue a career in commercial law, with the further goal of pursuing a judgeship after practicing law for 10-15 years.

In his spare time, Ryan enjoys rock climbing at his local indoor bouldering gym, cycling, and running. This past year he began training for a half Ironman triathlon, and successfully completed a mock half-Ironman with his friends.