NCA 2021 Exam Schedule Released

Finally, the long awaited schedule for the 2021 NCA exams has been released. This is the first time in over a decade that the NCA has released their schedule so late in the game. We expected major changes from the regulator and we were right.

The NCA seems to have broken down the exams into 12 monthly cycles. The reality is that the core subjects are still being offered 4 times per year, however the exams are spread out over a longer period of time. This will mean that candidates no longer have to cram all their studying and write all 5 core exams (for those that choose to write all in one sitting) in one week. The exams will now be spread out over a 3-month period where the cycle resets on the 4th month.

The non-core subjects are still only being offered twice a year. Two “mandatory” subjects - Contracts & Torts will be offered three times per year.

Constitutional Law and Criminal Law are offered in the January, April, July, & October

Professional Responsibility and Foundations are offered in February, May, August, & November; and

Administrative Law is offered in March, June, September & December

We hope that these changes are final, but we do expect there may be some amendments. Only time will tell if this new schedule holds up.

Read the full NCA Advisory

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