Online NCA exams - MonitorEdu

Good luck to all the candidates writing their exams this week! Here are a few tips from students who have already taken their exams online.

1) Will I get an email with a link?

You may receive a link from MonitorEdu, but the link is generic and will simply take you to their website. Once there, you’ll have to find the institution (NCA) - Federation of Law Societies. After you’ve selected the NCA, you’ll be prompted to enter your personal information and then you’ll be connected to a proctor who will walk you through the set up. As soon as your set up is complete, your exam starts regardless of the official exam start time. Be prepared to write your exam as soon as your setup is completed.

2) Did anyone experience technical issues?

Yes! Multiple students reported that the web-based program is slow and you will experience delays when moving your cursor, typing or deleting words. This can slow you down significantly and psyche you out if you’re not prepared for it. The NCA has provided you with an additional hour to write your exams, so try not to let the delays stress you out too much.

3) Each question will be found in a separate tab

On the top of your screen, you will find several tabs, each one containing its own question. Make sure you’ve answered all of the questions before submitting your exam. Some students reported that they didn’t see all the tabs or questions and submitted incomplete exams.

We hope this info helps. Stay calm and cool and good luck.